Network Analyzer
DPNA-6G AXIe - Holding Informtest
The AXI DPNA-6G module is the world's first network analyzer in the form factor of the AXIe-1 module, as well as the first Russian device that meets the AXIe-1 standard. In the mode of the network parameters meter, the AXI DPNA-6G module measures the vector values of the network parameters on two ports: transmission coefficients (S12, S21) and reflection (S11, S22). At the same time, all necessary types of calibrations are supported: one- and two-port short-circuit, XX, matched load, transmission normalization. The software supports the import of third party calibration standard parameters.
In the measuring receiver mode, the module provides:
*generation of a harmonic signal (frequency synthesizer);
*spectrum analyzer and power level in a given band;
*measuring the frequency of a known signal;
*measurement of analog modulation parameters;
*phase noise measurement.