Dr. Strauss Messtechnik GmbH
- +49 9503 504 3568
- +49 9503 504 6150
- office@strauss-mess.de
- Sandhoferstrasse 13c
Oberhaid, D-96173
Impulse Current Measuring Shunts
The Impulse Current Measuring Shunts ICMS are new designed tubular shunt types with best response behavior to match the high performance of the TR-AS digital recorder for comparative current measurements. A 1st partial response time less than 10ns and a settling times less than 20ns show the advantage of these shunts. They show no initial overshoot peak, no oscillations and do not need compensation box to optimize the transient behavior as known from e.g. cage shunts.
High Resolution Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) System
The Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) on power transformers is used for diagnosis at works, after putting into operation and for maintenance on site. The frequency dependent admittance is determined and recorded as fingerprint.
Digital Impulse Voltage Measuring System
The well-established Impulse Voltage Measuring Systems TR-AS, including the digital recorders from our own development and manufacturing, where further developed consequently and now feature improved sampling rates up to 200 MS/s in real-time with 14 Bit resolution simultaneouly in up to 16 measuring channels.
Measuring system for GIS Remote Control Digital Recorder
The VFT-Measuring System TR-AS RC for VFT is special designed for high bandwitdth and allows measurements of very fast transients (VTF) in a frequency range from power frequency up to 100MHz directly with help of capacitive sensor, e.g PD-Sensors Installed in GAS-insulated Switchgear (GIS)
KAL1000 Series
The impulse calibration system KAL1000 is a modular system to perform tests on complete impulse voltage measuring systems and on digital recorders for the measurement of high impulse voltages and impulse currents. The modular design allows an optimal KAL-configuration depending on the actual application.Additional, this modularity allows to up-grade or modify and existing KAL1000 system in case of changing or additional requirements