Mensor Corp.
Has been dedicated to designing and manufacturing the finest, high-accuracy, pressure measuring, calibration, controlling instruments and test systems available. Through the years, Mensor has developed an international reputation for quality products and service in the precision pressure instrumentation market.
- 800.984.4200
512-396-4200 -
- 201 Barnes Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666
United States
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Reference Thermometers
Reference thermometers (standard thermometers) are, due to their excellent stability and their geometrical adaptations, ideally suited for applications in industrial laboratories. They enable easy comparative calibration in baths, in tube furnaces and in dry-well calibrators. The advantage of reference thermometers is the wide temperature range, and with this, their flexible operation. Furthermore, with their low drift, a long service life is ensured.
Resistance Thermometry Bridges
By using built-in or external standard resistors, resistance thermometry bridges measure resistance ratios with high accuracy, which are indicative of the temperature, among other things. These instruments are not only used in the field of temperature measurement, but − due to their high accuracy − also in electrical laboratories.
Pressure Generators
Calibration hand pumps serve as pressure generators for the testing, adjustment and calibration of mechanical and electronic pressure measuring instruments through comparative measurements. These hand pump calibrators can take place in the laboratory or workshop, or on site at the measuring point.
Precision Pressure Transducers
Precision and digital pressure transducers, somemtimes known as precision pressure sensors, convert pressure into an analog or digital signal proportional to the pressure being sensed. A precision pressure transducer (also referred to as a pressure transmitter) are used to monitor and or control sensitive pressure processes. They can also be used as high accuracy transfer standards or as a factory working standard for testing or calibrating a variety of pressure measuring instruments. With an accuracy as high as 0.008 % of reading, these pressure transducers can be found in laboratories or in production environments where a high degree of precision and accuracy are required. Each transducer is calibrated in Mensor's 17025, A2LA certified laboratory.
Primary Standards
Primary standards (often also referred to as mechanical dead-weight testers, pressure balances or primary pressure standards) are the most accurate reference instruments for pressure. Their functional principle is based on the physical principle of pressure = force/area. Mass pieces placed on the top of a piston-cylinder system are the source of a precisely defined force. By producing a certain (counter) pressure inside the primary standard an equilibrium is achieved: the mass pieces, including the free-running piston of the piston-cylinder system, are floating, which will lead to a very accurate pressure at the test port which measured through piston gauge technology.
Hand-helds, Calibrators
Hand-helds pressure indicators are portable calibration instruments for mobile use for the accurate measurement and recording of pressure profiles. There are interchangeable pressure sensors with measuring ranges of up to 8,000 bar available for the instruments. Through this, hand-held indicators, and multifunction calibrators, are particularly suitable as test instruments for a large variety of applications in the widest range of industries.
Digital Pressure Gauge
Precision digital pressure gauges are suitable for stationary and also mobile measurement and display of pressures. In addition, a digital pressure indicator can be used as a pressure reference and enables the easy testing, adjustment and calibration of other pressure measuring equipment directly on site. Through efficient measuring cells with electronic linearisation of the characteristic curve, a high accuracy is achieved.
Hand-helds are portable calibration instruments for mobile use for the accurate measurement and recording of temperature profiles. For the instruments there are various designs of thermometers available. Through this, hand-helds are particularly suitable as test instruments for a large variety of applications in the widest range of industries. Data recorded in the hand-held can be evaluated via PC software, some instruments document calibrations in the internal memory, which can later be read on a PC. Optionally, a calibration certificate can be generated with our calibration software WIKA-Cal.
Portable Temperature Calibrators
Portable temperature calibrators (dry-well calibrators) are electronic controllers which automatically, quickly and dryly supply a temperature. Due to the high reliability, accuracy and simple operation, portable temperature calibrators are particularly suitable as a factory/working standard for the automatic testing and/or calibration of temperature measuring instruments of all types. A major advantage is offered by the large sleeve diameters and the fast, stable temperature control, since, as a result of these characteristics, the time for calibration can be used very effectively.
Air Data
Testing altitude and airspeed components in commercial and military air data applications are critical for the safety and performance of an aircraft. Mensor air data test set and indicators provide the high accuracy necessary for these applications. Air Data Test Sets control altitude /altitude rate and airspeed /airspeed rate, for testing altimeters and airspeed indicators or air data computers in a dynamic way that simulates actual flying conditions. Air data Indicators measure Altitude /Altitude Rate and Airspeed /Airspeed Rate for applications where conditions are externally controlled.
Calibration Baths
Calibration baths are electronic controllers which automatically, quickly and with the help of a liquid, supply a temperature. Due to the high reliability and exceptional homogeneity in the measuring chamber, calibration baths are particularly suitable as a factory/working standard for the automatic testing and/or calibration of the widest range of temperature probes - independent of diameter. A special micro calibration bath design enables on-site applications.
Digital Barometers
Digital barometers measure the barometric pressure and are used in manufacturing, process control, aerospace, geoscience, calibration and a host of other applications where ambient pressure is a factor in the results of tests, adjustments or calibration of components. Mensor barometric transducers provide the highest level of accuracy in critical applications.
Current, Voltage, Resistance
Solutions for the testing and calibration of current, voltage and resistance are used in industry (laboratories, production, workshops), in calibration service companies and in quality assurance. These instruments are portable and mobile and are particularly notable for their low measurement uncertainty and high scope of operation.
Pressure Controllers
Pressure controllers are electronic controllers which quickly and automatically provide a pressure based on a supply pressure. Due to the high accuracy and control stability, pressure controllers are especially suitable as references for production lines and laboratories, in order to carry out automatic testing and/or calibration of all types of sensors.
Engineered Systems
Mensor designs and produces engineered systems for customer applications requiring specifications that exceed the standard pressure control and measurement products, or that may require a complete turn-key design including multiple components in a rack, cart or bench.