LogTag Recorders Ltd is committed to the delivery of high performance, high quality and cost effective electronic recording products. Our products are designed to meet the growing world-wide demand for environmental recording solutions.
- 64 9 444 5881
- sales@logtagrecorders.com
- Po Box 362-95
Auckland, 0745
New Zealand
Temperature Logger
The LogTag® TRID30-7 temperature logger features a display together with a data logging function storing up to 7770 temperature readings. Statistical temperature and duration readings for up to 30 days can be reviewed on the display.
Monitoring Storage Conditions
The LogTag® Vaxtag® is intended for use as the principal means for monitoring storage conditions in vaccine refrigerators in intermediate stores and health facilities. It is specifically configured and packaged to be compliant to the World Health Organisation (WHO) PQS specification E006/TR06.3. The device may also be used as a secondary back-up device in cold rooms. The product features a display together with a data logging function storing up to 7770 temperature readings. Statistical temperature and duration readings for up to 30 days can be reviewed on the display.
Freeze Temperature Indicator
TICT iS0°Tag®
The TICT iS0°Tag® can be used to monitor the temperature of any freeze-sensitive product such as vaccine, food, or specialty chemicals for up to 3 years.
Temperature Indicator
The LogTag® TICT is a low cost disposable electronic temperature indicator for use in monitoring temperature & time statistics in transport applications of up to 45 days duration. The LogTag® TICT can monitor and record statistics against four factory pre-set temperature limits for up to 45 days, displaying ‘OK’ if environmental conditions remain within limits. If temperatures exceed two high temperature alarm limits or go below two low temperature alarm limits, the LCD shows a ‘REJECT’ alert, indicating the goods require further checking.
Multitrip Temperature Logger
The LogTag® TREX-8 is a versatile, wide range, multitrip Temperature Logger with interchangeable External Probes, featuring high resolution temperature readings over a measurement range of -40°C to +99°C (-40°F to +210°F).
USB PDF Temperature Logger
The LogTag® UTRIX-16 satisfies the growing need for a cost effective and reliable multi-use temperature logger. It requires no special hardware or proprietary software to access the recorded data and can generate a fully detailed PDF report. The UTRIX-16 stores real-time temperature readings over a measurement range of -25°C to +70°C (-13°F to +158°F), displays user-configurable alerts, and comes with an integrated, long-life USB connector.
Temperature Logger
The LogTag® TRIX-16 is a versatile, wide range, multi-trip Temperature Logger, featuring high resolution temperature readings over a measurement range of -40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +185°F). Enclosed in a robust and durable polycarbonate case, the TRIX-16 features a real time clock, which provides date/time stamps for each temperature reading.
Low Temperature Remote Probe Logger
TREL-8 is easily configured for recording conditions including delayed start, sampling interval, number of readings and configuration of conditions to activate the ALERT indicator. Readings are downloaded using LogTag® Analyzer which provides facilities for charting, zooming, listing data statistics and allows exporting the data to other applications such as Excel.
Temperature Logger
The LogTag® SRIC-4 is a single-trip temperature logger developed specifically for monitoring temperature sensitive products in both short haul and long-distance transportation applications. The SRIC-4 combines all the features of an advanced temperature logger with a 3968 log memory and a 6-month operating life in a robust and inexpensive package.
Temperature Logger
The LogTag® TRIX-8 is a versatile, wide range, multi-trip Temperature Logger, featuring high resolution temperature readings over a measurement range of -40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +185°F). Enclosed in a robust and durable polycarbonate case, the TRIX-8 features a real time clock, which provides date/time stamps for each temperature reading.
Temperature Logger
The LogTag® Dry Ice “Probe-less” Temperature Logger operates, measures and stores up to 8000 temperature readings in temperature environments ranging from -80°C to +40°C (-112°F to +104°F).
USB Temperature Logger
Designed as a Single-use, cost effective & reliable temperature recorder, the LogTag® USRIC-4 measures and stores real time temperature readings over a measurement range of -25°C to +60°C (-13°F to +140°F). The USRIC-4 combines all the features of an advanced temperature recorder with a 3937 log memory and a 6-month operating life in a robust and inexpensive package.
The LogTag® UTRID-16 provides a display to allow immediate viewing of current and past temperature and alarm statistics as well as the facility to create a detailed PDF report without need for extra accessories and proprietary software.
USB PDF Logger
Designed as a Single-use, cost effective & reliable temperature logger, the LogTag® USRIC-8 measures and stores real time temperature readings over a measurement range of -25°C to +60°C (-13°F to +140°F).
Humidity and Temperature Logger
The LogTag® HAXO-8 Humidity and Temperature Logger measures and stores up to 8000 sets of high resolution humidity and temperature readings over a measurement range of 0 to 100%RH and -40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +185°F).