Wagner Electronics
In the early 1960's, Delmer Wagner was a Pacific Northwest wood products electrician. Day after day he saw first-hand the problems that moisture caused in wood processing. He listened as management complained about measuring moisture using current technology.
- 855-409-3009
- 541-582-4138
- info@wagnermeters.com
- 326 Pine Grove Road
Rogue River, Oregon 97537
United States
Concrete Moisture Test Meter
Rapid RH 4.0 EX
The Rapid RH 4.0 EX concrete test is superior to all other humidity measurement systems on the market today. Rapid RH 4.0 EX concrete moisture tests equilibrate faster than other concrete moisture tests. The reading taken one hour after installation for concrete relative humidity content will be within 3% of the final reading.
Quick Scanning Moisture Meter
The rugged L601-3 is specifically designed for the demanding environment of the sawmill or wood products manufacturing plant where quick-scanning of lumber is a must. The L601-3''s "Wood-Friendly" electromagnetic waves penetrate beyond the surface into the wood to a depth of 1" and provides an instant averaged reading of the board''s moisture content in a 2.5" x 2.5" x1" scanning area.
Advanced In-Kiln Moisture Measurement System
The MC4000 Advanced In-Kiln Moisture Measurement System enables the kiln operator to monitor the moisture content of each charge and develop consistent drying time schedules for improved kiln performance and reduced operating costs. The MC4000 will cut costs due to degrade and overdrying and improve grade recovery to help increase the bottom line.
In-Line Moisture Measurement System
The new Omega has arrived, more powerful, more accurate and more user friendly than any other in-line moisture measurement system in the world. Ruggedly designed for your mill or wood products manufacturing operation, Omega is an invaluable tool for improving your kiln drying operation and moisture quality control.
Moisture Meter
MMC 210 Digital Proline
This meter is designed for domestic woods. One of the features of this meter that makes it great for measuring MC in hard-to-get-to places is the Press and Hold feature. This allows the user to take a reading in a place they cannot see, such as behind a toilet, refrigerator, etc. When using the hold feature, the user can remove the meter from the item being measured and it will display the MC measured.
Moisture Meter
MMC 220 Extended Range
This meter is the same as the MMC210 with the exception of the Extended Range Specify Gravity (SG) allowing settings of .20 - 1.0 to accommodate exotic woods. Like the MMC210, one of the features of this meter that makes it great for measuring MC in ?hard-to-get-to? places is the Press and Hold feature. This allows the user to take a reading in a place they cannot see such as behind a toilet, refrigerator, etc.
Moisture Meter Digital Shopline
MMC 205
This moisture meter is designed for a smaller budget. Though this meter maintains the same accuracy level as other Wagner moisture meters, there is less precision displayed since MC is displayed in whole numbers only. The single button control can be more challenging to use than the dual buttons found on other meters. This moisture meter can be adjusted to accommodate different specific gravity settings between .30-.70
Stack Probing Sensor
The Model L722 Stack Probing Sensor coupled with the L612 Digital Recording Moisture Meter makes it easy to reach deep into stickered units of lumber and take accurate moisture readings without the danger of broken pins. Wagner''s electromagnetic wave technology makes it possible to take multiple readings throughout an entire stack in just minutes.