Koh Young Technology
Koh Young Technology is a world leader in 3D measurement and inspection technology used in the production of micro-electronics assemblies. Using patented Shadow-Free Moire’ (SFM) 3 Dimensional measurement technology, Koh Young products provide best-in-class Solder Paste Inspection (SPI) and Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) for electronics manufacturers worldwide.
- 82-2-6343-6000
- 2-2-6343-6001
- kohyoung@kohyoung.com
- F15 Halla Sigma Valley,
345-90 Gasan-don
Geumcheon-gu, Seoul 153-802
Korea, South
Pre-reflow AOI
Zenith LiTE
Minimizes Shadow Problems with 4way projectionEasy Programming with parametric approachReal time defect diagnosis and root cause removalrortified 2D features using 9 channel RGB lights100% 3D measurement inspection.
Zenith 2 AOI platform, which provides the AI-driven Auto Programming for rapid job programming. The Zenith 2 also combines Koh Young’s advanced vision algorithms with innovative high-resolution optics. The latest platform expands inspection capabilities, delivering best-in-class performance, functionality, and accessibility. Koh Young’s side-view solution allows Zenith 2 to quickly detect and analyze defects on a wide range of mounted components and chips.
3D AOI with Revolutionary New 3D Measurement
The Zenith 3D AOI system measures the true profilometricshape of components, solder joints, patterns and even foreignmaterial on assembled PCBs with true 3 dimensional measurement, overcoming the shortcomings and vulnerabilities of 2D AOI.
3D Automated Optical Inspection
Zenith UHS
High-speed full 3D AOI that brings about a revolution in SMT process management Industry-leading speed for full 3D measuring inspection equipment skill solutions- Only solution in the industry to set inspection criteria according to IPC-610 standards- Performs defect diagnosis through measurement-based data and eliminates the causes of possible errors- Powerful 3D solder joint inspection
Dual Projection 3D In-Line Solder Inspection System
The new KY8030-2 delivers 2x fasterinspection without compromising performanceand accuracy.Using patented dual projection, the systemeliminates the critical Shadow problem thatall 3D SPI systems can be vulnerable to.Easy UI and SPC Plus are included in the systempackage in order to help users achieve faster& easier printer process optimization
Solder Paste Inspection System
The new KY8030-3 delivers 3x fasterinspection without compromisingperformance and accuracy.Using patented dual projection,the system eliminates the criticalShadow problem that all 3D SPI systemscan be vulnerable to.Additionally, the new KY8030-3 has solvedthe PCB Warp problem that seriouslyimpacts inspection accuracyand reliability of result.
3D Solder Paste Inspection
aSPIre 3
Industry-leading measurement accuracy and inspection reliability- Perfect solution to eliminate shadow problems, base plane settings, and problems with projection direction- Full 3D foreign material inspection solution for the entire PCB- High productivity through the highest accuracy