Sun Nuclear Corp.
Manufacture QA & dosimetry solutions.
- 321 259-6862 x3
- 415 Pineda Court
Melbourne, FL 32940
United States
Sun Nuclear provides the industry’s most advanced services and support program. Working with you and your team to quickly and consistently ensure results, together we protect Patient Safety.
The Gold Standard for Breast Screening & Biopsy Training
Mammography QA Solutions
When the USA mandated Mammography QA requirements via the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA), medical physicists, the ACR and the FDA worked with Gammex to complete the phantom design known today as the 156 Phantom.
Accurate Point Dose and PDD Dosimetry
1D SCANNER is a 1D water tank for dosimetry measurements in water including output factors, dose calibrations, annual, and routine QA. Setup subjectivity is reduced with a water surface detection feature that automatically sets the dosimetry detector at the water surface.
Beam Geometry & Alignment Testing
Perform quality control testing of your Digital Radiography (DR), Computed Radiography (CR) and Fluoroscopy X-ray systems with ease. Comply with local, state, federal, and governing bodies for digital and traditional analog radiographic imaging technologies.
Ensure Accurate Screening, Diagnosis and Monitoring
CT QA Solutions
Over 40 years of experience helping our customers with CT compliance and patient safety. From CT Perfusion verification, to Dual Energy Characterization, to daily, monthly and annual CT QC, Gammex is your trusted CT QA and compliance partner.
Daily QA Accelerated
Daily QA™3 & rf-Daily QA™3
Daily QA™3 sets the standard for efficient and powerful routine QA. A single beam measurement results in five beam quality checks. Accepted data is automatically written to a database in real time, where it is available for trending, review and analysis. It’s that simple, and that powerful.
Ensure Accurate Screening, Diagnosis & Monitoring
Ultrasound QA Solutions
Gammex is the only ultrasound QA solutions manufacturer with expertise in medical physics since 1969.The 156 phantom helped establish the mammography repeatability and reproducibility standard: any mammography technologist (radiographer) at any time, on any machine, can provide the same image set to help detect breast cancer.We collaborated with clinical and academic thought leaders to develop our patented HE Gel and the first portable Doppler Flow phantoms in the world. HE (High Equivalency) more