Physical Sciences Inc.
PSI has provided technology solutions and innovative products to our government and commercial customers. Our employee-owners continue to grow the company across a range of markets applying emerging science to important problems. We play an important role in the development and transition of advanced technology from the laboratory to commercial and government use.
- (978) 689-0003
- (978) 689-3232
- 20 New England Business Center
Andover, MA 01810-1077
United States
Spatial Heterodyne Surface Chemical Agent Detector
Wide area, high areal coverage rate surface contaminant detection via LWIR reflectance spectroscopy employing eye safe broadband quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) and a high-speed spatial heterodyne spectrometer (SHS) in a handheld sensor package (~ 10,000 cm3, 10 lb).
High Speed VNIR/SWIR Hyperspectral Imager
Compact VNIR/SWIR HSI sensor compatible with small rotary wing UAS operation with application to disturbed earth detection and vegetation/mineral mapping
Adaptive Infrared Imaging Spectroradiometer
The Adaptive Infrared Imaging Spectroradiometer (AIRIS) has been developed for real-time standoff detection of chemical vapors and biological aerosols as well liquids and solids (such as chemical agents and trace explosive residues) on surfaces.
Mobile Systems
Advanced vehicle-based platforms for real-time detection and identification of CBRN threats in complex and variable urban environments.
Quantum Cascade Laser Sensors
QCL sensors use mid-infrared semiconductor laser sources, either intraband Quantum Cascade Lasers or Interband Cascade Lasers to enable high precision, high accuracy, and selective detection of trace gases such as greenhouse gases and chemical agents with application to a variety of commercial, industrial, defense and environmental problems.
Pharmaceutical Process Monitoring
Our pharmaceutical products target aseptic fill/finish manufacturing applications including manufacturing operations that utilize barrier isolators and lyophilization, often used to process the fastest growing segment of the pharmaceutical industry, biopharmaceuticals.
Detector Ecosystem
Revolutionizing R/ N threat detection and identification through advanced algorithms and hardware designs optimized for maximizing signal extraction in low signal-to-clutter conditions
Static Installations
Innovative mounting solutions for maximizing the probability of intercepting Rad / Nuc sources.
Field Master 3 Electric Fence Charger
Power to stop the most stubborn stock! For small to medium pastures. The all new low impedance model for small to medium pastures features advanced solid state circuitry. Shocks through wet weeds and brush. New color coded fence and ground terminals. Red to the fence and Black to ground. Fuse protection, with built-in lightning arresters. Full 3 year warranty covers damage caused by lightning.
Biological Wide-area AeRosol Detector
Standalone sensor in weatherproof enclosure detects thermal objects with consistent appearance/behavior to a bioaerosol plume and determines a threat probability