sglux GmbH
sglux produces, calibrates, sells components for measuring UV radiation.
- +49 (0) 30 53 01 52 11
- Richard-Willstätter-Str. 8
Berlin, D-12489
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SiC UV photodiodes
active areas from 0.06 mm² to 36 mm² and quadrant photodiodes for position determinationUV broadband sensitivity or with optional filters for UVA, UVB, UVC or UV indexdifferent entrance windows and housing designsown SiC chip production since 2009PTB-published high radiation hardnessPhotodiodes catalog
UV Calibration
By determining a calibration factor, which in the case of UV detectors are usually currents, can be converted into a measurand based on SI units.
UV index measurement
The UV Index The UV Index is defined in ISO 17166 and quantifies the risk of erythema (sunburn) for a given solar UV exposure. The explanatory video below provides further information on the UV index.
Digital multi-channel UV Radiometer
100% touch-screen controlled Dosimetry and datalogging digital signal conversion (CAN bus) Compliant with GLP and LIMS standard Intuitive handling with NIST traceable calibration with customized spectral characteristics UVTOUCH sensor not included
UV-measurement probes
For example, some UV probes must work reliably at high temperatures, in rain or under water. Meander MDR-10 (available in our shop). EMC-tested switching power supply with protective conductor connection, eg Meanwell MDR-10.
UV measuring devices
The fields of application for photodiode-based UV radiometers are diverse. In their ease of use and ease of use, they represent a very good alternative or supplement to spectrometers. UV sterilization processes or as a measuring device for risk assessment at the workplace. Our devices are subject to strict regulations for production and calibration. Since 2013 we are subject to quality management according to ISO9001. Our calibration laboratory uses PTB traceable references and works according to DAkkS-DKD-MB-3 specifications and the CIE 220: 2016 technical report. Below, we present a selection of our measurement solutions.
SiC-basierter UV-Sensor mit 0 – 5V SpannungsausgangIntensitäten von 1,8 pW/cm² bis 18 W/cm² messbarUV-Breitband-Empfindlichkeit oder mit Filtern wahlweise für UVA, UVB, UVC oder UV-IndexGaP-Chip-Serie für BlaulichtmessungSi-Chip-Serie zur Messung sichtbarer Strahlungverschiedene Eintrittsfensterlieferbar im TO5-Gehäuse oder als Miniatur-Mess-Sonde (Edelstahl oder Kunststoff)TOCON-Katalog
Portable UV Meter
Handheld UV meter device with data storage and USB connection, sensor probe inclusive, usable with any sglux photodiode.