HGH Infrared Systems
For over 20 years, HGH Infrared Systems have specialized in the development of optronic and infrared systems for defence, industrial and civil applications. The diversity and reliability of their products have made them an international leader of optronic instrumentation. Their specific skills coupled with their long experience enable HGH to remain in the foreground of world suppliers of high infrared technology.
- +33 1 69 35 47 70
- hgh@hgh.fr
- ZAC de la sabliere
10 rue maryse bastie
IGNY, France 91430
External Pyrometric Camera for Combustion Thermal Monitoring
Pyroscan-U is specifically designed to perform thermal monitoring and mapping of any object inside a kiln, furnace, boiler or reactor, while looking at the area of interest through a standard window, from outside the combustion chamber. This megapixel pyrometric camera captures both visible and infrared HDR (High Dynamic Range) images of the burning zone.
Test bench for Infrared Focal Plane Array detectors
The BIRD bench enables characterization of any types of Infrared Focal Plane Array (IRFPA) detectors.
Universal test bench for optronic maintenance
COPI is a universal test bench used for test and maintenance of all kinds of optronic equipments.
Electro-Optical Test Software
INFRATEST is a powerful software for testing IR cameras, visible and NIR cameras, ICCDs, goggles and laser rangefi nders. Based on video acquisition modules compatible with a wide range of communication protocols, including LVDS, Camera Link, GigE Vision and all types of analog formats – CCIR, PAL, RS170, NTSC, INFRATEST acquires, displays and analyzes the video signal from all types of electro-optical devices.
Night Vision Test Sets
HGH Infrared Systems NV-2500 is the new standard for digital night vision goggle testing. Designed for testing night vision monocular or binocular systems, the NV-2500 system provides automated testing of all standard NVD tests with unparalleled accuracy and operator ease of use.