Laurel Electronics, Inc
Laurel Electronics, Inc. designs, manufactures and sells programmable digital panel meters, counters, timers, remote displays, transmitters and other instrumentation for demanding industrial applications.
- (714) 434-6131
- (714) 434-3766
- 3183-G Airway Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
United States
Digital Panel Meter
Laureate DC voltage and current panel meters with a DC signal conditioner board combine high accuracy with high read rate and a wide range of isolated output options for computer interface and control. Accuracy is 99.99% of full scale 1 count. Used as a direct-reading DC voltmeter, the Laureate provides a full-scale readout of 20,000 counts and six full-scale voltage ranges from 200.00 mV with 10 mV resolution to 600.0 V with 100 mV resolution.
Digital Stopwatch
Designed to time single events or processes which produce start and stop pulses. Resolution to 0.2 s, duration from 1 s to 999,999 hours. Time may be displayed in HH.MM.SS clock format with 1 s resolution or in decimal H, M or S format with six-digit resolution. Multiple events can also be accumulated.
Frequency, Rate Meter, Flow Rate Indicator
Two independent scalable pulse-input channels from 0 Hz to 1 MHz. Channels may be combined arithmetically. One channel can display total while other displays rate. High read rate for control applications: AC line frequency can be measured to 50.0000 or 60.0000 Hz in a few line cycles. Ideal for use as a tachometer or readout of a turbine flow meter.
Large Bargraph Process Display
PRO-BAR Series
50-segment bar graph meter with 250 mm (10") scale length for 4-20 mA, 0-1 mA, 0-10V, or 1-5 V signals. Available for vertical or horizontal mounting. Large bargraph is viewable over long distance in industrial environments.
Laureate Duty Cycle Meter
Model FRD
Configured display ON or OFF period as a percentage of total period over a gate time from 10 ms to 199.99 s. A resolution of 1%, 0.1% or 0.01% is selectable. Ideal for repetitive short pulses with a pulse width down to less than 1 s.
Laureate Time Interval Meter
Model FRI
Configured to time periodic events which produce start and stop pulses from 1 s to 199.99 s over a programmed gate time up to 199.99 s. Timing resolution to 0.2 s. Optional data I/O and relays for alarm or control. Six 0.56" (14.2 mm) high digits, 1/8 DIN case.
Load Cell & Microvolt Meter
A high-sensitivity 5-digit meter for use with load cells, strain gauges and microvolt input signals where high accuracy and stability are required. Load cell operation allows 4- or 6-wire hookup and display in engineering units, such as lbs, kg or psi. Built-in excitation for up to four 350-ohm load cells in parallel.
Loop-Powered Digital Panel Meter
The 88-PRO Process Meter may be connected directly to a 4-20 mA, 10-50 mA or 1-5 mA current loop, with no need for additional power to the meter. This is because the meter is powered directly by the current loop, developing a maximum voltage drop of 2.5 V.
MAGNA Series "Large Digit" Clocks
Models CLK4 & CLK6
4-digit model (CLK4) with HH:MM display, or 6-digit model (CLK6) with HH:MM:SS display. Large-digit displays with a digit height of 2.2" (57 mm), 4.0" (102 mm), 5.7" (144 mm), 7.9" (200 mm), or 11.0" (280 mm) for long viewing distances. Optional relays and data I/O. Choice of display brightness and cases for indoor or outdoor mounting.
MAGNA Series "Large Digit" Elapsed Timers
Models TIM4 & TIM6
4-digit model (TIM4) with MM:SS or HH:MM display, or 6-digit model (TIM6) with HH:MM:SS display. Large-digit displays with a digit height of 2.2" (57 mm), 4.0" (102 mm), 5.7" (144 mm), 7.9" (200 mm), or 11.0" (280 mm) for long viewing distances. Optional relays and data I/O. Choice of display brightness and cases for indoor or outdoor mounting.
Modbus or Laurel ASCII ProtocolSerial Output DIN Rail Transmitters
Laureate TM Series serial output transmitters can be jumpered for two signal levels: RS232 or RS485. Two serial protocols are selectable in software: Modbus or Laurel's Custom ASCII.Modbus protocol operation is fully compliant with the Modbus Over Serial Line Specification V1.0 (2002) for 2-wire, half-duplex connection.
Model QLS 4-20 mA Loop Splitter / Retransmitter
Generates up to four individually grounded and individually adjustable 4-20 mA loops from a single 4-20 mA or 0-10V input. Overcomes problems which occur when the same 4-20 mA signal is applied to multiple loads in series. Allows outputs to have different grounds, and allows individual loops to be opened without affecting signal to other loads.
Phase Angle Meter
Exceptionally fast response (up to 20 updates per second) and high accuracy for low frequencies, such as AC line frequency. A resolution of 1, 0.1 or 0.01 is user-selectable. Accuracy is 0.01% up to 100 Hz, 0.1% at 1 kHz, and 1% at 10 kHz.
Process Meter & Totalizer
User-scalable for display to 999,999 for 0-1 mA, 4-20 mA, or 0-10 V process signals requiring zero and span adjustment. Ideal as flow rate meter or flow totalizer for analog flow meter signals. Includes 5, 10, 24 V transducer excitation output (user-selectable).
Process Totalizer (analog input)
Displays and totalizes 0-1 mA, 4-20 mA, or 0-10 V process signals. Square root extraction is standard for flow applications, allowing display of volume from the 4-20 mA signal of a flow transducer with a linear or squared output.