A.P.E. Research
A.P.E. Research develops and produces very high-resolution probe microscopes (SPM), systems and instrumentation for surface and condensed matter physics.
- 39.040.3757905
- 39.040.3757906
- infos@aperesearch.com
- Area Science Park
Basovizza, s.s. 14, Km 163,5
Trieste, 34149
Scanning Near Field Optical Microscope
SNOM microscopes employ SPMs precision of piezoelectric raster-scanning together with sharp probes to obtain light optical images at rather better than the usual wavelength-limited resolution. The possibility to go beyond the Abbe diffraction limit has been achieved with the Near-field light optical microscopes (SNOM or NSOM).
Atomic Force Microscope
Atomic Force Microscopes are the most widely used SPM microscopes. They can be applied in fields that span from surface science, semiconductor technology, magnetic media, polymer science, optics to biology, chemistry and medicine.Absolute positioning with an accuracy of 2 nm.
Scanning Tunneling Microscope for Ultra High Vacuum
A.P.E. Research instrument is a versatile Scanning Tunneling Microscope, STM, capable of scanning samples of almost any size. It can operate in UHV and in air. The systems have been designed to evaporate (e.g. metals, organic molecules) in UHV directly onthe sample mounted on the STM head.